2017. 8. 30 - 9. 30

갤러리바톤은 김윤철(Yunchul Kim, b.1970)의 '자이어(Gyre)'전을 8월 30일부터 9월 30일까지 압구정동 전시 공간 (지하 1층)에서 개최합니다. 

국제적 명망의 콜라이드상(Collide International Award 2016, CERN, Swiss) 수상자이자, 다양한 매체에 대한 실험과 통찰을 기반으로 한 과학과 예술의 융복합성을 추구해온 작가의 주요 신작이 소개됩니다.
자이어(Gyre)전은 작가의 중심 주제인 매터리얼리티(Mattereality)에 그간의 기술적 진보와 작가의 미적 탐구가 가미된 장소 특정적 설치 작품인 ‘세축의 기둥(Triaxial Pillars II)’ 과 ‘나선(Gyre)’을 선보입니다. 특수 가공된 정교한 대형 설치작업이 시시각각 전개하는 통제와 방임이 혼용된 유체의 흐름과 유동하는 빛의 궤적과 산란의 향연은, 관람자에게 그간 경험하지 못한 생경한 순간을 선사함과 동시에 물질에 대한 근원적인 바라봄을 유도할 것입니다. 

'Gyre' at Gallery Baton's 'Observation Deck'

In this exhibition, Kim reveals new pieces presenting fascinating illusions: ‘Triaxial Pillars II’ and ‘Gyre.’ As the exhibition title ‘Gyre’ (meaning spiral or swirl) suggests, the materials selected by the artist rise and descend, creating movements reminiscent of sea waves. When specific substances are injected into a glass tube, they are not blended but rather generate boundaries. Due to the differences of the fluids’ thermal expansions and conductivities, the contents respond to subtle changes in temperature. The boundary surfaces generated by the fluids are at times inflated and their positions changed. Without any physical interference from outside, the fluids never cease their delicate motion, and exchange energy with the outer world of the glass tube. The interplay of these two fluids stimulate the spectators’ vision by giving rise to a sense of the cosmos.

In this regard, each medium treated by Kim possesses its peculiar tendency. Kim noted that traits of materials exist beyond the realm of human sensation and awareness so that human cognition is not able to anticipate which modes certain materials would manifest in. Accordingly, the artist suggests ‘Fundamental Gazing’ to the audience who encounters the work that liberally forms waves as the ocean does. By employing specific matter that usually remains as constituent fluids in objects, Kim encourages viewers to confront and directly experience their origin. As the elegant movements of these scientific media resemble the wavelengths of sounds, the works unfold a distinctive scene which is rarely seen in a gallery. By bringing science into the territory of art, Kim’s practice enables spectators to imagine a source outside of our familiar world.

The exhibition 'Gyre' reveals two site-specific pieces, ‘Triaxial Pillars II,’ and ‘Gyre' that present Kim’s themes of materiality and advancements in scientific technology. The artworks create a feast of diffusion and traces of light along with the flow of fluid constantly shifted by the coexistence of control and neglect. They consequently allow spectators not only to encounter moments they have never experienced, but also to contemplate the materials' origins. 


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Bae Yoon Hwan - Road to Studio B

Pauline M'barek - Object ID

Gabriel Acevedo Velarde - Visitas